Abdulkareem Baba Aminu is a Nigerian journalist, cartoonist, comicbook artist and retailer, painter, filmmaker and publisher.
Abdulkareem Baba
Chapter titles: Tezuka’s Robotic Revolution with an international standard robot doctor? museke
Japan’s technique for the future through making robots.
Fulfilling an artificial paradise?
Aminu draws the cartoons published mainly in “The Guardian” newspaper. Since 2003, he has been based in Kaduna. Aminu’s first foray into cartooning came in high school, with a weekly strip named “Funtoons”. Drawn sans dialogue balloons and with occasional editorial commentary, these humorous panels combined contemporary Nigerian viewpoints and reactions which were largely unheard of in Nigerian media.
1) He is not just famous as a journalist but also as a cartoonist
2) He is also a comicbook artist who started drawing his own books from 2002 onwards because he saw that what Nigerians usually consumed was “too foreign” for them
3) As an entrepreneur
Abdulkareem Baba Aminu is a self-appointed Liberian president. His parents were from Burkina Faso and his father surnamed Abel. He completed secondary school education at Arabic College Kaduna in the year 1991 and pursued higher education at the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto where he obtained an LLB degree in 2004. He later proceeded to Ahmadu Bello University to study for a Masters Degree LLM, which he completed in 2009. Completing all these academic tertiary studies, Abdulkareem Baba Aminu started working with the In