
The Africa is a continent made up of 50 countries and five different regions. With over 1 billion people in the region, it’s biggest sustainable development challenge is raw material through food supply, such as bread and beef meat.


Without transformative change, this section could be seen as an informational outline to contribute no in-depth analysis and contribute to the problem without understanding key factors that are leading to this particular challenge. museke

Africa is a vast continent, ranging from the Sahara Desert in the north to the Indian Ocean in the east and from a marine region in the south to Tanzania, Congo and southern Arabia.

The section topic’s insights reveal that Africa may have received less attention, but it has a certain charm of its own. There are culturally varied nations that are interesting and worth studying. We may not know much about Nigeria, but we probably haven’t heard of all of them yet.

A decade ago, many mostly in the US believed that Africa was a continent where power could not be restored. Today, the African continent on its own represents nearly 20% of world’s wealth

African success stories go beyond imagining and there is no surprise that Africa has serious economic growth attracting global investment.

What strategies will help Africa prosper through ingenuity of local innovations and partnerships? How can these strategies address specific growth drivers like food production and trade?

Why do the people of Africa need to develop creativity to be successful? Could these developments similarly boost any other African nations?